Volunteer with MDHA

Minnesota Deer Hunters Association’s success is directly due to the volunteerism of dedicated members at various levels within the association’s structure and activities (education, habitat, legislation, hunting, fundraising, etc.). We have 400+ Chapter officers that are all VOLUNTEERS representing MDHA and raising funds for Minnesota! If you are interested in volunteering on a chapter level, please contact your Chapter President.
Outdoor News Foundation

MDHA Committees

State Committee opportunities are one way for you to share your expertise and enthusiasm for particular focus areas of the MDHA.
Most committees meet once or twice per year in person with ongoing communications taking place using various media including email and telephone conferencing.
If you are interested in volunteering on a state committee or board, please contact the MDHA Office to inquire.

  • Education Committee
  • Endowment Committee
  • Ethics Committee
  • Habitat Committee
  • Legislative Committee
  • Membership/Communications Committee
  • Strategic Planning Committee
Minnesota Deer Hunters

Minnesota Deer Hunters Association

460 Peterson Rd
Grand Rapids, Minnesota 55744

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Clean Water Land & Legacy Amendment

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