MDHA Chevy Raffle
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"Protecting the future of deer and deer hunting through Habitat, Education, Advocacy and Legislation"
Minnesota Deer Hunters Association
MDHA Chevy Truck Giveaway
Chevy Truck Giveaway


Contact your local Chapter for a chance at winning a new Chevrolet Truck!

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Safeguarding Minnesota's Deer and Hunting Legacy for over 40 years.
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MDHA Chevy Raffle
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"Protecting the future of deer and deer hunting through Habitat, Education, Advocacy and Legislation"
Minnesota Deer Hunters Association
MDHA Chevy Truck Giveaway
Chevy Truck Giveaway


Contact your local Chapter for a chance at winning a new Chevrolet Truck!

Chevy Silverado

MDHA Official Truck Giveaway

Forkhorn Camps

MDHA Outdoor Education Camps

Education Raffle

Funding Outdoor Education

Habitat Projects

Keeping Public Land Public

Wolf Management

Responsible and Effective

Who We Are

MDHA is a grassroots conservation organization dedicated to Protecting the future of deer and deer hunting through Habitat, Education, Advocacy and Legislation.

Minnesota Hunting Regulations 2024

Minnesota Hunting Regulations

Each year, thousands of people go outdoors and participate in various activities. This could be hunting, scouting,


The Minnesota Deer Hunters Association has repeatedly been accused of being anti- agriculture and anti-small


MDHA Legislative Update from MDHA lobbyist Erik Simonson

Is The Minnesota Deer Hunters Association in bed with the DNR!?This is a common question I have

MDHA Chevy Giveaway
Arctic Shield Hunting
Wildlife Research Center
Members, Supporters & Partners
Committed To Our Mission
Join MDHA to protect Minnesota Deer Hunting


Protect Hunting In Minnesota
Habitat - Education - Advocacy - Legislation

Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak, so we must and we will.

Theodore Roosevelt

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Minnesota Deer Hunters

Minnesota Deer Hunters Association

460 Peterson Rd
Grand Rapids, Minnesota 55744

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Clean Water Land & Legacy Amendment

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