Your Generosity Funds Conservation And Protects Hunting In Minnesota

The MDHA Business Partner Program connects Minnesota's outdoor industry with enthusiasts statewide. It supports our conservation efforts while benefiting your business.
MarkV Partner

MarkVDeluxe Main 1800x900 1 900x450.png copy
Official Press Release

Email Blast to all members

Full Page Ad in Whitetales Magazine

Banner Ads on MDHA Websites

Banner Ads on From The Stand Newsletter

Logo On MDHA Website

12 Social Media Promotions

Custom Member Bullet Blast

Custom Article For Website


Custom MDHA Weatherby MarkV Rifle

MDHA Hat & Hockey Jersey

Subscription to Whitetales


Firearms available in Wood or Synthetic Finishes

Model 307 Partner


 RangeXP MainRaised 1800x900 1.png copy

Official Press Release

Email Blast to all members

Half Page Ad in Whitetales Magazine

Banner Ad on MDHA Websites

Banner Ad on From The Stand Newsletter

Logo On MDHA Website

6 Social Media Promotions


 Weatherby Model 307 Rifle

MDHA Hat & Hockey Jersey

Subscription to Whitetales


Firearms available in Wood or Synthetic Finishes

Vanguard Partner


VanguardSynthetic Main 1800x900 1 900x450.png

Official Press Release

Email Blast to all members

Quarter Page Ad in Whitetales Magazine

Banner Ad on MDHA Websites

Logo On MDHA Website


Weatherby Vanguard Rifle

MDHA Hat & Shirt

Subscription to Whitetales


Firearms available in Wood or Synthetic Finishes

Conservation Partner


ElementUpland Main 1800x900 1 900x450.png

Email Blast to all members

Business Listing in Whitetales Magazine

Banner Ad on MDHA Website

Logo On MDHA Website


Weatherby Element Shotgun

MDHA Hat & Shirt 

Subscription to Whitetales


Firearms available in Wood or Synthetic Finishes

Your donation is fully tax-deductible and supports conservation efforts throughout Minnesota. By contributing, you also help protect the hunting heritage and ensure public lands remain accessible to everyone. Interested in partnering with the Minnesota Deer Hunters Association? Contact us at

Where Does Your Money Go?

These numbers are subject to change and may be outdated.


MDHA Digital Advertising

MDHA Business Digital Advertising can help you reach more enthusiasts and customers than ever before!

Imagine being able to spread the word about your products, services, and events with just a few clicks. With MDHA's digital advertising, you can target your message to deer hunters, outdoorsmen & women, and conservationists across the state, ensuring your campaigns are seen by the people who care most about our wilderness and wildlife.

Think of the possibilities—boost sales, increase bookings, and amplify your conservation message. Digital advertising allows you to engage with a broader audience, making a more significant impact on our hunting community and the environment we cherish.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to share your passion and efforts with a wider audience. Sign up for MDHA's digital advertising today and watch your influence grow. Contact us to get started! Email to learn more.

Minnesota Deer Hunters

Minnesota Deer Hunters Association

460 Peterson Rd
Grand Rapids, Minnesota 55744

Quick Links

Clean Water Land & Legacy Amendment

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