- MDHA Admin
- Wolf Management
- Hits: 4727
New Bills Mandate a Wolf Hunt and give MDHA a seat at the table.
We are pleased to announce that as of February 20, 2024, House File 3903 and Senate File 3988 have been introduced to the House Environment and Natural Resources Finance and policy; and Senate Environment, Climate, and Legacy Committees. These bills mandate a wolf season so long as the Gray Wolf is not listed under the Federal Endangered Species Act. The bills also aim to establish a Northeast Deer Management Task Force that must include a representative of the Minnesota Deer Hunters Association. This is a direct result of MDHA’s wolf management advocacy efforts over the years. This does not happen overnight. This happens over decades of fighting for our wild deer herd and for responsible wolf management in a respectful manner. We must be willing to engage in civil conversation on both sides of the aisle if we want to enact meaningful change.
HF3903 has bipartisan support with authors: Reps. Lislegard (DFL), Skraba (R), & Johnson (R). SF3988 is authored by Sen. Hauschild (DFL). This is significant in that bipartisan bills have a much higher likelihood of receiving a hearing and becoming law, especially when the primary authors are from the majority party. We thank these elected officials for taking a stand for our wild deer and for sound wildlife management practices. Please contact your elected officials and express your support for these bills!
Thank you for your support of Minnesota Wildlife and the Minnesota Deer Hunters Association.
Jared J. Mazurek
Executive Director