- MDHA Admin
- Habitat
- Hits: 1971
Jack Pine Forest / Crow Wing River Watershed Habitat Acquisition
- MDHA Admin
- Habitat
- Hits: 1971
During Fiscal Year 2016-17 the Minnesota Legislature appropriated $3,570,000 to enable the MDHA to close on the largest acquisition in our history with $3,209,542.50 spent on acquiring 2,280 acres of Forest Habitat in Cass and Hubbard Counties with LSOHC Grant Funds with partners The Conservation Fund (TCF) and Ruffed Grouse Society. As the primary landowner, Potlatch Corporation, began divesting forest lands in Minnesota, MDHA made it a priority to prevent thousands of acres from being turned into row-crop agriculture and remain open for public use in perpetuity. The acquired 2,280 acres were donated to Crow Wing and Hubbard Counties. Restoration work was done on Hubbard County parcel during the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year.